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Our Story

We create wonderful pieces of wall art out of genuine, professional grade, 100% Irish Ash hurls. We source our hurls from some of Ireland's finest craftsmen, and put great care into decorating them like you've never seen before.

Irish ash hurls

Each of our designs are 100% hand drawn and decorated, and we use our mix of Irish and East Asian influences to create something truly beautiful that would sit proudly in any home.

Hand Drawn Hurl Designs

We then make sure to protect the hurls so that the designs can withstand all weather, climates and are completely UV protected, so your hurl will have that same wow factor forever.

Don't see a design you like, or have something special in mind? Then let us know! We'll do everything we can to make a truly unique decoration for that special someone in your life, just drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for the latest news, images, designs and more!